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Tax refund for employees
Tax refund for employees
Employees often overpay their taxes. But you can get the difference back within six years.
If you are employed, pay taxes, and answered “Yes” to one (or more) of the following questions, you have a good chance of getting an income tax refund.
Ask yourself, in the last six years:
Have you changed jobs?
Have you held more than one job at a time?
Were you unemployed?
Are you retired?
Have you paid off your mortgage?
Did you have private life insurance?
Did you have a private pension fund?
Are you a new immigrant?
Did you donate money?
Did you have a college or university degree?
Did you receive severance pay?
Have you lived in a tax-exempt area?
Do you have a child with special needs?
Do you have a disabled spouse?
Do you pay spousal support?
Did you have rental income?
Did you trade securities?
Have you ever had an accident at work?