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Submission of annual report

Submission of annual report



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Submitting an annual report to the tax office is very important for any business. Based on the annual report, income tax and payments to the National Insurance Service for the past year and monthly payments to the tax office and the National Insurance Service for the current year are calculated. In order not to overpay taxes, you need to correctly enter expenses and tax deductions in the annual report. Payments to the pension fund, keren hishtalmut, life insurance, higher education, etc. imply tax deductions. And in order to receive them, you need to obtain the appropriate permits from the pension fund, insurance company, bank, etc. In order to avoid fines and other sanctions from the tax office, you need to submit the annual report on time and all the documents required by the tax office must be attached. Before submitting the annual report, I check that all business expenses and tax deductions of the client are included in the annual report. And as a result, the client paid the minimum taxes required by law

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