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Career guidance for teenagers
Career guidance for teenagers
This service is suitable for teenagers who:
- Feel uncertain about their future profession.
- Want to better understand themselves in order to make an informed choice in their education and career.
- Feel pressure from others in choosing a profession and want to understand what is really important to them.
- Want to plan their career in advance to avoid mistakes and bad decisions in the future.
How we work:
- We conduct psychological testing and analyze the results.
- We determine strengths, interests, inclinations and abilities to help the teenager find a field in which they can realize themselves.
- We study the world of professions and how to navigate it.
Expected result:
- A psychological portrait reflecting individual characteristics and preferences.
- Recommendations for choosing a profession or specific professions.
- Criteria for choosing a suitable profession or educational path.
- A detailed report that can be returned to in the future.